Cosplay Guests

Zavage, also known as Zach (he/him), has been cosplaying for over a decade and is known in the community as a craftsmanship focused cosplayer. MORE
Southern Cospitality Cosplay is a group of LGBT cosplayers specializing in doing whatever the heck they feel like. They have over 30 years of cumulative experience in the hobby and have been involved in all aspects of it from making costumes and competing to judging contests to organizing and running them. MORE
Stitch Crimes (she/her) is a twelve-time award-winning cosplayer from the Houston area. She started cosplaying in 2013 and has crafted nearly fifty cosplays in that time. MORE
Lutavia (they/them) is a cosplay educator and maker from Texas fueled by a passion for helping cosplayers craft their dream costumes. MORE