AnimeFest will host a dance party each night of the convention.
What that means – good music, fun people, and partying into the wee hours. There will be a different DJ for each night’s event.
- An active AnimeFest badge is required to enter the dance.
- Bags are not allowed into the dance and it is advised to leave your items in your room or vehicle for their safety.
- Members entering the dance are subject to voluntary searches for contraband (weapons, drugs, alcohol, or other illegal substances). Members may refuse the search, but will not be permitted into the dance.
- Please do not throw items during the dance. Airborne items will be confiscated and tagged, to be retrieved from Lost and Found at the end of the convention. If you are seen throwing an item, you will be asked to leave the dance and not permitted to return that evening.
- No beverages are allowed in the dance. Water stations are located directly outside the dance room, and will be kept full to help you stay hydrated.
- Hand-held glow sticks and hoops will be allowed in the dance, and will have a designated area for performance.
- Glow sticks on strings will NOT be allowed.
- No large props will be allowed other than the hand-held glow sticks and hoops in the designated area.
- Dress code rules apply. If you have questions please review the Dress Code
- Please secure your own belongings. AnimeFest is not responsible for any items lost during the dance.
- The stage and all equipment are property of AnimeFest and for use by authorized staff only. Authorized staff will be designated by AnimeFest directors.
- Rules are subject to change. Onsite rules shall supersede any rules in our Guidebook app or on the website.